Steal our stuff

The future is in your hands

Steal our stuff

At Future Group, we believe money can be a force for good. We direct member’s superannuation savings towards companies and investments that are helping to create a future free from climate change and inequality.

At Future Group we have created progressive workplace policies to make sure we’re walking the talk.

These policies are open source, meaning any workplace is strongly encouraged to plagiarise these policies and make it their own. We consider ourselves part of a bigger movement for systemic change, and we think the workplace is somewhere we can set the standard for a more equitable future.

Yours in sharing
The Future Group team

Policies and guidelines to steal

Policy or guideline

What is it?

Policy or guideline

What is it?

Climate Emergency Leave

Unlimited access to paid leave for any team member directly affected or displaced by catastrophic environmental events caused by climate change including those in volunteer positions.

Cultural Leave for First Nations

This policy sets out the importance of Cultural Leave and its intention to formalise and legitimise the significance of First Nations occasions and practices. We provide up to 4 days of leave for First Nations staff to conduct Sorry Business, NAIDOC Week or participate in other cultural practices. 

Cultural Leave for Culturally Diverse

This policy sets out the importance of Cultural Leave and its intention to formalise and legitimise the significance of occasions and activities of diverse cultures, religions, faiths and spiritual practices for team members who are culturally and/or faith diverse. We provide up to 4 days of leave.

Ethical and Local Supplier Guidelines

We strive through these Ethical Supplier Guidelines to take social and environmental practices and performances into account when selecting suppliers, for example choosing companies that mandate better environmental performance, or actively using Supply Nation as a first port of call for new procurement. 

Gender Affirmation Policy

This policy outlines how we will support Transgender and Gender Diverse employees, including the support available to assist employees through the journey of Gender Affirmation. This policy also outlines the expected behaviour of every team member in supporting their Transgender and Gender Diverse colleagues.

This policy provides up to 6 weeks of paid leave for anyone unable to work due to the gender affirmation process.

Menstrual and Menopausal Leave Guidelines

For decades, menstruation and menopause have been barriers to equality for people who menstruate and experience menopause.

This policy aims to support team members to adequately self-care during periods of menopause or menstruation by providing additional leave of up to 6 days, seperate to personal sick leave.

Mental Health Leave Guidelines

These guidelines aim to support the mental health and wellbeing of our team by providing up to 6 days of additional regular time off for the sole purposes of self care.

Parental Leave Policy

Our Parental Leave policy recognises and supports a wide range of family structures, caregiving responsibilities, and the many different paths to parenthood.

We’re proud of our policy which offers up to 20 weeks of paid parental leave plus so much more.

Pay the Rent Policy

This policy outlines our proactive approach to making a company-wide commitment to contribute to the Pay the Rent movement.

Public Holiday Swap Leave

Swapping an existing public holiday for an alternate day allows a person to make use of the time off that they are entitled to, but on a day that is culturally significant to them.

Inclusive Language Guidelines

Words have power. They carry weight and history, implications and sometimes unintended meanings, depending on the context they are received in. As a business that prides itself on being ethical and progressive, we want our language to uphold our values.

This guide is not meant to police the voices of Future Group employees, but to encourage you to think more consciously about communicating, and learning to include as many people as possible through your choices in language.


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