Pay the Rent Policy

The future is in your hands

Pay the Rent Policy

Creating a future free from climate change and inequality is a core focus for the Future Group. Our team uphold these values, and together we acknowledge how we benefit from living and working on stolen land. We understand the importance of Paying the Rent, and our obligation to be part of this. 

This policy outlines our proactive approach to make a company-wide commitment to contribute to the Pay the Rent movement. In acknowledging that the sovereignty of First Nations people was never ceded, we also acknowledge that we conduct business and take shelter on land which was removed from First Nations people. This has created a disproportionate distribution of wealth and marginalised the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owners. Paying the Rent is a step towards justice, truth and equality for First Nations people.

In Paying the Rent we seek suitable partnerships which address:

  • Stolen Land: Future Group operate across a broad range of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander lands

  • Lack of Treaty/Change: no present commitment exists (from government) for restitution or systemic change 

  • Action: We do not want to sit and wait

This policy is aligned to our Charitable Giving Principles.


  1. We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we operate, and payments of rent from our business will be made through the Pay the Rent Collective

  2. Annual fixed Pay the Rent contributions will be directed to the Pay the Rent Collective, who will disburse payments to a range of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations they partner with across the country

  3. Payments of Rent will be no less than 10% of the sum paid to Hub Australia for our office spaces, access and room hire as part of the Future Group operations. This amount will be budgeted once per year

  4. Payments of Rent are in addition to other charitable giving programs within Future Group, including other First Nations events (eg. NAIDOC week)


Payments of rent will be made to the Pay the Rent Collective, a Victorian-based First Nations run organisation that disperses payments to nation-wide organisations, for example to pay for funerals and Sorry Business, as well as organisations that support families affected by a death in custody. 


  1. Purchase order/request for payment to Pay the Rent Collective to be made by the Rap Working Group (RWG) and appropriate approvals sought

  2. RWG will keep records of contributions, previous recipients and other relevant information used in Pay the Rent payments

Future Policy Amendments and Recommendations

  • Advice/consideration required regarding Payment of Rent for any and all Future Group events

  • Staff consultation and training - on employee Payment of Rent for places of ownership (eg. homes)

If you have any questions, please email us at peopleandculture@futuresuper.com.au

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