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Mental Health resources |
The next few months until the referendum will be a difficult and emotional time for mob. Listed below are mental health providers who can provide counselling and a safe place to talk with someone:
https://www.13yarn.org.au/?gclid=CjwKCAiA0JKfBhBIEiwAPhZXDys_aBreYhSwWsYV9ipdWSXvK3-P_vA_nLjnha8YqxQ7stTloh8qPhoChKoQAvD_BwE - going through a tough time, we’re here to yarn
https://healingfoundation.org.au/community-self-care-resources/ - Community self-care resources
https://www.esafety.gov.au/first-nations?mc_cid=15310d01f6&mc_eid=062a339edb - hear stories from mob in language and find tips to help you be deadly online
https://headspace.org.au/yarn-safe/ - Headspace service for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders